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  • Writer's picturechris evans

Wooden Balance Boards - A Fun Workout For Kids

Wooden balance boards are a fun and challenging workout for kids of all ages. They help improve coordination and balance while also being a great way to get active. Here are some tips on how to use them to get the most out of your child's workout.

What are Wooden Balance Boards?

Wooden balance boards are a fun and challenging workout for kids of all ages. They help improve coordination and balance, while also being a great way to burn off energy. There are a variety of different types of wooden balance boards available, so there is sure to be one that is perfect for your child. Some boards even come with attached toys or games, making them even more fun to use. If you are looking for a great way to get your child moving and improve their fitness, then a wooden balance board is the perfect solution.

How do Wooden Balance Boards Work?

Wooden balance boards are a great way for kids to get active and have fun. They work by using the child's own body weight to create resistance, which helps to improve coordination and balance. By standing on the board and moving their feet, children can challenge themselves to stay upright and improve their sense of balance.

Benefits of using a Wooden Balance Board

Wooden balance boards are a great way for kids to get active and have fun. They help improve coordination and balance, and can be used as a workout tool. Here are some of the benefits of using a wooden balance board: - Improves Coordination: Balance boards help improve coordination by forcing kids to use their eyes, feet, and body all at once. This improves hand-eye coordination and proprioception (the ability to sense where your body is in space). - Increases Balance: Because balance boards require you to constantly adjust your position, they help increase your overall balance. This is especially beneficial for kids who are still developing their sense of balance. - Strengthens Core Muscles: The constant adjustments required to stay balanced on a balance board engages your core muscles. This helps strengthen these important muscles, which can lead to better posture and improved athletic performance. - Versatile Workout Tool: Wooden balance boards can be used in a variety of ways to create different workouts. For example, you can use them for Plyometric exercises (jumping exercises that build explosive power), or simply use them as a balancing challenge. This makes them a versatile workout tool that can be used to target different muscle groups.

Wooden Balance Board Exercises

Wooden balance boards are a great way to get your kids active and improve their balance and coordination. Here are some fun exercises you can do with a wooden balance board: 1. Balance beam: Place the board on the ground and have your child stand on one end. Have them walk to the other end of the board without falling off. You can also try this exercise with one foot on the board and one foot off, or with both feet on the board and hands off. 2. Plank: Place the board on an elevated surface such as a table or stool. Have your child get into plank position with their hands on the ground and feet on the board. Hold for 30 seconds or longer. 3. Push-ups: Place the board on the ground and have your child get into push-up position with their hands on the board and feet on the ground. Do a regular push-up, then lower yourself down so that your chin touches the board before pushing back up again. 4. Sit-ups: Place the board on an elevated surface such as a table or stool. Sit on the edge of the board with your feet hanging off and place your hands behind your head. Do a regular sit-up, then touch your toes to the board before lying back down again


Wooden balance boards are a great way to get kids moving and improve their coordination. They're also a lot of fun! If you're looking for a new workout for your kids, give wooden balance boards a try. You can find them at most toy stores or online retailers.

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